Twins, oil on canvas, 45x30cm, 2019

This series of 'Twins' are painted after old and new images, they are based on a photo in a contemporary magazine combined with a painting from the 17th century. Portraits by Rubens & Van Dyck offered sollutions in paint for contemporary faces. Matching the different elements from both originals, two new persons are created out of them, the twins differ from each other and from the originals.  There is a second reading in these twins. When you recognize another person who is also not openly gay in a hetero environment, that's your twin; and nobody understands the nature of your friendship because it is not visible or said aloud.

Young leaves on old trees. 40x30cm oil on canvas 2019

Aesculus hippocastanum, or white horse-chestnut in spring, when young pale leaves grow on the dark tree trunk. The trees are native to Balkan and are imported allover in Europe. White horse-chestnuts can withstand air pollution and are therefore often found in cities.

Presentation of the series 'Young Leaves on Old Trees' at Valerie Traan Gallery during the Debussy concerts.